🔥We can't wait for you to become our next BizKit BadA$$ 🔥
🔥We can't wait for you to become our next BizKit BadA$$ 🔥
I am Angie Raymond, Mama to two teens & a fur baby! I am a passionate and innovative entrepreneur with a love for systems and structure. It wasn't long into my hi-tech career that I realized I had a burning desire to design a different life outside of the 9-5 structure. I knew I was wired differently than most and just couldn't settle in to the traditional workplace.
I had endeavored in some traditional business ideas for a couple of years before finding the world of Network Marketing. I fell in love with so much the industry has to offer. I spent 14 years mastering the side hustle while maintaining my corporate career. In June of 2019, as a single Mama, I decided to retire/quit from the corporate world and pursue my business full time. Most people thought I was CRAZY & then I knew I was moving in the right direction 😉
Since then I have hit top ranks and lead large teams. I have also worked VERY closely with ownership & other Top Leaders on 4 different Advisory Boards. In 2021 I decided to create my own company serving the NM Top Leader by helping them shine a spotlight on their leadership, creating duplicatable & automated systems allowing them to scale with ease and without the chaos, time sucking and frustration! Enter TheBizKit™!
One thing that I do not love about the industry is the stigma of unprofessionalism, which stems from a serious lack of training and support. Unfortunately many entrepreneurs in this space are left to their own devices to make their business a success. Often times trained with less than professional tactics that leave them feeling defeated, rejected and ultimately giving up. For the small percentage of those that do find success, they are then left with the challenge of duplicating themselves and equipping their organizations to achieve the same level of success. This can be difficult for someone without the tools and skills to train and many fall through the cracks or get burnt out.
The marriage of my technical and analytical mind with the frustration of an industry left so lacking has birthed the idea of this new Revolutionary Platform - TheBizKit™!
My passion has ignited from over a decade of observing and training literally thousands of people. Once I went full time and developed a sizable organization it wasn't long before I realized my "little" systems would not scale. I was tired of pointing the team in so many directions to get the information and tools they needed. It was time to take my ideas and systems to the Big League & share with the industry outside of my own organization! I love that I can now share my concepts with the entire industry vs just my own team/company!
I am very excited to be bringing this concept to the marketplace. My belief is that this platform has the ability to transform businesses spanning many verticals on a very large scale. Any individual, leader or organization with a sales process will benefit tremendously from the concepts and tools built into this one of a kind solution.
The goal of this platform is to provide a complete solution, a toolbox so to speak to not only manage your own business, but also help to train, develop and encourage your team. Creating a dynamic and exciting environment for each individual user to feel equipped, empowered & confident to succeed in their business!
And what better than to leverage the most effective form of marketing "Word Of Mouth" by incentivizing my user community with an Affiliate Marketing Program? Not only is this platform revolutionary, but also the concept of creating a residual stream of income by using and sharing it will help so many people create more income and more success! This is where my passion of helping others create their own life by design will finally be fulfilled!
Here's to YOUR success!
Yours Truly,
Creator & Founder of TheBizKit™!
Great leaders look for ways to continuously improve and serve their team in stronger ways. Take this leadership check-up and business audit to see where you are!